I was lucky enough to win this award again. This time Kristin over at Feed Your Imagination passed it along to me. Since I've already passed this on not to long ago, I'm just going to say a hearty thank you to Kristin!
BTW Kristin's blog is fantastic and you should go check it out.
awww you're so sweet! you really deserved it!
I found your blog browsing and I have been finding more and more great blogs dedicated to books and people who love to read. I am an aspiring novelist myself and am trying to expand my blog followers. I am hoping once I am able to do that I might be able to get interviews with authors I like and help promote them. Possibly even do contests! If you're interested in helping me out, please follow me as I will follow you. Sorry if this comes off as shameless self promotion. I hope to read more updates! Thank you so much Aleece!
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