This is a weekly meme hosted by Marcia at
The Printed Page. Join the fun and post what you got in your mailbox last week!
I added yet another few more books this week.
Prospect Park West - Amy
Sohn (publisher blog tour)
Japan took the J.A.P. Out of Me - Lisa
Feneberg Cook (bought)
Tattoo - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (bought)
Blind Fall - Christopher Rice (bought)
Yellow Moon - Jewell Parker Rhodes (bought)
Eyes Like Stars - Lisa
Mantchev (bought)

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? Hosted by Sheila at
One Person's Journey Through A World of Books. This is a meme to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week
Books I finished last week:
Cardboard: A Woman Left for Dead - Fiona Place
Currently Reading:
Prospect Place West - Amy
SohnAbraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - Seth Grahame-Smith
Books to Finish this Week:Prospect Place West - Amy
Wow, these look great and most are new to me as well; enjoy. Here is my mailbox:
How is the audio version of Abe Lincoln? I am finally getting into audio books, but they really need to be well voiced. (is that the right way to put it??)
Gwen - I'm really enjoying the audio. The narrator does an excellent job.
Oooh, I can't wait to see what you think of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter! It sounds so great to me, based on the title anyway.
Here is my week:
Prospect Park West looks good!
How is the Abraham Vampire Hunter going? I have that audio too and it is on deck for my next audio listen.... I am cautiously optimistic :)
I listened to Abraham Lincoln on audio. Hope you like it. happy REading!!
Cardboard: A Woman Left For Dead sound intriguing. It looks as though you have a fun week lined up.
My Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/05/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-17-may.html
You can never go wrong with Christopher Rice. Great mailbox this week, there were one or two I would glady steal out of your mailbox :-)
Several new-to-me titles in that group. Happy reading!
Looks like you got some great titles and read some good books this week. Hope this week is as productive too.
It's Monday!
My What are you reading? is here.
Happy Monday. 'Eyes Like Stars' looks wonderful. :)
Oh, I really want to read Yellow Moon by Rhoades. I love her books. I would like to read the cute Japanese novel. It looks adorable. I like Tattoo too.
All look wonderful. Yellow Moon interests me!
Mondays: Mailbox/Whereabouts/Musings
It looks like you went on a fun little shopping trip! Enjoy!
They all look great...the Park West book caught my attention, as did Tattoo!
It is a sad day when I see a paperback version of a book I bought when the hardcover was released (Blind Fall) and I still have not read it! I just love Rice's books. I think he's a talented writer.
Japan took the J.A.P. Out of Me is another one in your list that looks good. Happy reading.
All of those titles are new to me and all sound very good. Enjoy all your new books!
So many of these look good! Prospect Park West, Blind Fall, and Yellow Moon are the three that caught my eye. Happy reading! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
You got some nice looking titles this week! Happy reading! Here's my Mailbox.
Looks like a lot of great reading to get done!
Most of these titles are new to me. Yellow Moon sounds very intriguing!
You got some great books and have a good reading list! ENjoy your books this week. :)
You got a nice bunch of books this week. Tattoo and Eyes Like Stars are on my TBR stack too. Here is my Monday report: Inside of a Dog.
I'm going to be writing down some of those titles..
My read of the week...not my only is posted here
Prospect Park West looks interesting. Have a great week!
Sheila - I'm really enjoying it. It's very entertaining.
I hope you enjoy Eyes Like Stars. I have wanted it, but wasn't sure if I was one I would enjoy. Just wasn't sure for some reason. So, I do look forward to your review on it. You have some great looking books there. Have a great week reading. :)
Abraham Lincoln is slowly making it's way up my list...I admit, seeing it everywhere just keeps reminding me to try it.
Hope you have a fabulous reading week!
I really liked Eyes Like Stars & I can't wait for the sequel! Have a great reading week!
Zia - Looks like you got in some really interesting books! I love the audios and a good narrator makes it more awesome. I hope you've had a great reading week!
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