
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mailbox Monday and What Are You Reading

This is a weekly meme hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page. Join the fun and post what you got in your mailbox last week!

Only one book for me this week. A nice change of pace.

The Poacher's Son - Paul Doiron (B&N First Look Book Club)

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? Hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books. This is a meme to list the books completed last week, the books currently being read, and the books to be finished this week.

Books I finished last week:

Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep
Conflicts with Interest - Michael Ruddy

Currently Reading:

Keeper's of the School - Andrew Clements
The Swan Thieves - Elizabeth Kostova (Audiobook)

Books to Finish this Week:

Keeper's of the School - Andrew Clements
Hopefully one more just not sure what I'm reading next.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

The Swan Thieves is haunting me! Everywhere I look someone is reading it... I think the world is conspiring to tell me something. I hope you enjoy it.

Mine is here if you want to look

It doesn't have The Swan Thieves but I might have to read it soon!

Shy said...

I've to agree with Becky there. Been visiting couple of blogs today and all of them seem to be reading The Swan Thieves! Is this a sign which says that I should start reading it too?? *lol*

Anyways, hope you have a fantastic week ahead =)

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I am listening to the Swan Thieves audio too (disc 3) so far so good..... beautiful and descriptive.

Have a great week :)

Teddyree said...

I'll be interested to see what you think of The Poacher's son, I decided not to do that one. Have a wonderful reading week :-)

Ryan said...

I thought about signing up for The Poacher's Son but wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're enjoying The Swan Thieves. I've heard lots of good things about it. Happy reading :)

The1stdaughter said...

Again...I'm in the same boat as a lot of the others with the Swan Thieves. I'm really interested in hearing what you think, because the reviews I've read have been very mixed.

It looks like you have a great week ahead of you! Have fun reading and I'm looking forward to all the reviews!

Sophie said...

I think you are like the third person who has posted Swan Thieves. Starting to wonder what there is about that book.

Sophie said...

lol, I just noticed everyone else said the same thing about Swan Thieves. :)

pussreboots said...

Only one book for me this week and it's not the Swan Thieves. You can see what it is here.

Chrissie said...

I really want to read Spider's Bite and The Swan Thieves. Hope you have a good reading week :)

Lenore Appelhans said...

I did the B&N book club when it first started, but I haven't done it in awhile. Need to make time for it again.

Sharon said...

All of these are new to me except the Swan Thieves which is on my wish list. I'm curious about The Poacher's Son. Happy reading!

Hannah said...

Of all the books you've listed this week, I've only heard of The Swan Thieves, but honestly, the title that caught my attention is Keeper's of the School. I need to go look it up right now. Enjoy your reading this week!

Jan von Harz said...

Looks like Swan Thief is the big winner this week. Hope you have a great week reading.

Lydia said...

hah I've got the Swan Thieves on my list this week as well - seeing it around quite a few blogs!

bermudaonion said...

I loved The Swan Thieves in print - I can't wait to see what you think of the audio version. Enjoy!

Nina said...

I havent read any books on your reading list, but like everyone is saying I really should try the Swan Thieves. :) Enjoy!

Aleksandra said...

Great books! Happy reading!

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

I read Swan Theieves earlier this yr and loved it as I read it - then the more I thought about it, the more things changed :( I hope you like it more then I did at the end!

Ruth Schaller said...

Hope you have a great reading week! Check out mine at:

Have a good one! :D

Jennifer said...

I too have The Swan Thieves waiting for me, however, I will not get to it this week. Happy reading! My Monday:

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, my! The Swan Thieves again! I guess the Universe is trying to tell me something!


Jo said...

I've been wanting to read Spider's Bite. Did you like it?

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

I'll be watching for your thoughts of The Swan Thieves. I received The Poacher's Son too. It looks exciting. Have a great reading week.

fredamans said...

I got The Poacher's Son also.

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Hope you enjoy the Swan Thieves. . . I have been seeing that on alot of blogs as as well, I might just have to add it to my to be read pile.

Amy said...

I agree with Becky; everyone is reading The Swan Thieves! Here's my list.

Staci said...

I gave my copy of Keepers School to a 5th grade teacher to use in her classroom...the kids loved it!!!!

Enjoy your books!!!

Gwen said...

I finished up The Swan Thieves last night. About 24 hours for a book that long, yes, you could say that I liked it. I hope that you are enjoying the audio version:)

NerdyMe said...

I'm currently reading several books at the moment, and this is one of them...

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Pochers Son, I am curious as to what you think of it. Looking forward to that review.

Hope you have a great reading week!

joyh82 said...

Wow everyone is reading the Swan book. I have to add my name to that list soon! Enjoy your books this week!

Suko said...

I hope you enjoy it! :)

I also had one book to report for Mailbox Monday:

Alyce said...

Sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace. :) I haven't seen The Poacher's Son before.

Anna said...

Enjoy your new book! I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the Clements book.

Diary of an Eccentric